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Monday, 8 February 2021
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Rubí es una de las producciones más exitosas de Televisa que causó furor en el 2004. Este melodrama de José Alberto Castro está basada en una historia original de la escritora mexicana Yolanda Vargas Dulché. Barbari Mori fue quien encarnó a Rubí, una hermosa joven universitaria que provenía de una familia de humilde condición y empeoró su situación con la muerte de su padre. Al obsesionarse con el dinero y saberse poseedora de una deslumbrante belleza, decidió aprovechar sus atributos físicos para ir en busca de un hombre guapo, joven y millonario, que la saque de la miseria y la convierta en una señora con fortuna y estatus social; sin importar traicionar a su familia y a su mejor amiga. PUEDES VER Yadhira Carrillo admite que las bofetadas que recibió de Bárbara Mori en Rubí eran reales [VIDEO] Rubí Foto: Televisa Este melodrama fue protagonizado por Bárbara Mori junto a Eduardo Santamarina, Sebastián Rulli y Jacqueline Bracamontes, quienes alcanzaron el estrellato tras el éxito de esta producción.

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After Donald recovers from his wound, he demands to read his own on-air rebuttal to the opinion of the TV news commentator, and inadvertently reveals Sonny's identity, while the unmasked robber, Jack Locke, watches the broadcast at home. Sonny and his teenage daughter Candace also happen to see Donald's on-air commentary, which causes Sonny to leave many insults on Donald's answering machine. That night, Jack silently breaks into Sonny's house in order to kill Sonny so that he can't identify Jack to the police as the robber of the diner. As fate would have it, Donald drops in to apologize to Sonny about mentioning him on TV, and ends up saving Sonny and Candace while capturing Jack and obtaining his pistol. Sonny and Donald take Jack at gunpoint to the police station to turn him in as the robber of the diner, and possibly as a criminal of notorious fame due to Jack's bragging that he is a professional hit-man who has only resorted to armed robbery due to the current economic recession.

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Il poliziotto Vinz arresta il figlio 18enne di Gil, diventato un ricco imprenditore colluso con la mala. Il medico Saro torna per aiutare Gil ma anche per sua moglie Eloisa, suo amore infantile. Dopo 4 doc, Calopresti mette liberamente in immagini il romanzo omonimo (2008) di Gaetano Savatteri, a sua volta di ispirazione cinematografica. La struttura del plot e i temi centrali - perdita dell'innocenza, supremazia maschile con coazione alla violenza, impossibilità di liberarsi del passato - analoghi a quelli di Mystic River (2003), memorabile, potente tragedia, si riducono qui a uno sfiatato drammone psicologico-esistenziale con finale "a tarallucci e vino" che sfiora il farsesco ed è in odore di familismo amorale. Forse ne voleva essere una denuncia, ma non arriva.

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Upcoming Programming... Times shown for Live Matches are Kick Off Times Page Lists First Air Programmes Only / Not Repeats All NRL is on Watch NRL and is only confirmed on Sky if indicated. ​ Saturday 5th December 3:00pm Albi v Villeneuve ​

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