Lethal Strike 2019 German

Sunday, 7 February 2021
  1. Lethal strike 2019 german translation
  2. Lethal strike 2019 german german
  3. Germany Failed to Deliver Justice for Yemen's Civilian Drone Strike Victims
  4. Lethal strike 2019 german language

Well-meaning politicians in the United States, Europe, and my home country of Yemen have listened to my story and expressed their sympathy, but no one has provided an answer. I filed a lawsuit in the Higher Administrative Court in Münster, Germany, and in March 2019 received a small measure of recognition when the court found the U. drone program in Yemen to be unlawful. The court also ruled that Germany bears responsibility for strikes like the one that killed my relatives, because the drones cannot fly without the support of Ramstein Air Base. The base plays a critical role by enabling communication between pilots in the United States and the drones flying in countries such as Yemen. This was, believe it or not, the first time a court anywhere in the Western world had been willing to weigh in. The U. military will not confirm or deny that it fired the missile, and when I challenged this silence in U. federal court, the District of Columbia Court of Appeals ruled that I did not have standing to do so, because only Congress can question the president's political decision to kill people in secret by remote control.

Yes, President Donald Trump loosened the targeting standards and removed the requirement for the Pentagon to report civilian casualty figures, but it was Obama who escalated the program worldwide. My hope is that Germany will stop supporting the United States' crimes. We in Yemen appreciate the support Germany has provided to our country through this difficult time of war, so it is disappointing that Germany continues to help the United States target our communities with drones. My family in Khashamir talks about the drones that still regularly buzz overhead. My young nieces have never known anything different: The Reapers and Predators, and the threat of instant, violent death they represent, have been present all their lives. When people count civilian casualties, they often forget that whole communities are traumatized too, and that the trauma is long-lasting. Moreover, the use of drones in this cowardly manner also helps terrorist groups by attracting young people to join them. Obama and Trump did not seem to care.

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Lethal strike 2019 german translation