The 100 Episode 4

Wednesday, 24 February 2021

They think she should pull the ol' Katniess Everdeen method — hide until everyone takes each other out. She's not too sure of it, but by the time the horn blows, she decides killing the last person standing is better than attempting to kill 12. Roan kills two people — including the Trikru warrior — while O evades them all, but she can't stay out of battle for too long. She runs into Luna, who explains why she's doing this thing that seems very contradictory to her pacifist ways: Skaikru showed her that people are selfish and violent to the core. She doesn't believe anyone deserves to survive the end of the world. It's a pretty intense flip from her character, but I guess people do irrational things at the end of the world? Anyway, Octavia is able to escape Luna, and then she runs into Ilian. He tells her that he won't kill her — he even proposes an alliance, but she says no. However, moments later, he still helps her out when she's cornered by three people. As Bellamy and Kane are watching the conclave from above, they realize Echo has gone missing from the adviser's room, and Bell knows this means she must be helping Roan.

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Clarke: " Nuclear reactors that survived the bombs are melting down. Radiation levels are already rising. If we can't figure out a way to fix it, all of us will be dead in six months. " Kane: " A. told you this? " Clarke: "Yes. " Abby: "And you believe her? " Bellamy: "Raven's looking into it. " Clarke: "I believe her. " Jaha: "Ontari belongs with her people. " Indra: "I didn't agree to give them guns. " Murphy: "Well that's probably because you're not an idiot. " Murphy [deciding to leave, seeing Bellamy trying to negotiate with Echo] Sorry, Bellamy. Echo: "Guns on the ground or he [Bellamy] dies! " Indra: "We disarm, we die. " Kane: "Abby will come through. Do what she says. Guns on the ground, now. " Octavia: "No we have to go or we'll bleed out. " Abby: "I know that look. " Clarke: "I loved her [Lexa], mom. " Abby: "I know. " Roan: "It's always something with you, isn't it? " Clarke: "Roan, we need your help. " Roan: "Well, this should be good. " Roan: "Today, the City of Light has fallen.

Murphy wants Echo to give up her helmet, but instead Clarke removes her own. She figures it's as good a time as any to test out her Nightblood radiation-fighting skills. About this time, Bellamy realizes they've missed their window to pick up Raven and get back to the bunker before the death wave comes. Clarke says if nightblood does work, they could go straight to Polis, make everyone Nightblood, and then come back to save Raven. But then Clarke starts coughing up blood, and that plan goes out the window. When Monty and Harper arrive, they give Clarke the extra helmet they have (it was for Jasper — sad face emoji) and they devise a new plan: head to the island. When they get there, Raven is shocked; she knows there isn't enough time for them to get back to Polis. "We're not going back, " Clarke says. "We're going up. " They may not have a way back down, but as Harper points out, they'll have five years to figure that out. They think there's enough food and water aboard what's left of the Ark in space, and Monty thinks they can take the oxygenator from the island bunker up to space.

What could possibly go wrong? See you all back here next week for the finale! (Maybe then we can learn what happened to Bryan? ) Episode Recaps S7 E16 Recap The 100 series finale recap: It's the end of the world By Dalene Rovenstine S7 E15 Recap The 100 recap: Clarke fights her way back to Madi S7 E14 Recap The 100 recap: And they're back on Earth (again) S7 E13 Recap The 100 recap: What did Clarke just do? S7 E11 Recap The 100 recap: Bellamy Blake makes a shocking return S7 E10 Recap The 100 recap: Echo reveals her true intentions S7 E9 Recap The 100 recap: Octavia, Echo, Diyoza, and Hope train to be the Shepherd's warriors S7 E7 Recap The 100 recap: Emori fights for unity in Sanctum S7 E5 Recap The 100 recap: So, this is Bardo S7 E4 Recap The 100 recap: The search for Bellamy continues S7 E3 Recap The 100 recap: Russell Prime's fate hangs in the balance S7 E2 Recap The 100 recap: The anomaly is revealed … kind of S7 E1 Recap The 100 season premiere recap: 'From the Ashes' … can they rise?

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Bellamy: "Maybe we all do. " Bellamy: "We didn't survive this long just to let a little radiation take us out. " Clarke: "Thank you. For keeping me alive. " Bellamy: "You don't make it easy. " Jasper: "Sorry about the... you know... " Harper: "Smashing my face into the wall or pistol whipping me? " Jasper: "Can I plead the chip? " Raven: "You ok? " Jasper: "Are you? You've been through more than anyone. Raven: "There's nothing like a little pain to remind you you're alive. " Jasper: "Wish I'd got an upgrade. " Jaha: "What have I done? " Kane: "What have we done? " Echo: "Because of them, your rightful commander Ontari is dead! This imposter stole her flame. " Kane: No! Wanheda saved us! All of us! Grounder and Skaikru! Echo: There would've been nothing to save us from if not for you. Murphy (to Jaha after a woman spits in his face): "Good to see you're making friends. " Indra: "When you destroyed the City of Light, there were a thousand Azgeda warriors inside the city of Polis. " Octavia: "Good timing. "

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