Pandora La Pelicula Online

Saturday, 30 January 2021

Among them, Harsh Beniwal leaves a lasting impression with his wisecracks and comic timing. Director Punit Malhotra ensures that a lot of drama and action remain out of the classroom, with focus on sports, dance and romance, not that the new age campus kids will complain. However, the chemistry between Tiger and the two debutantes doesn't quite warm your heart. And while it comes seven years after SOTY, the writing doesn't seem to have come of age. Music is quite average, unlike the previous SOTY, which had songs like Radha and the Disco song that could probably feature on your playlist, even today. The edit could have been crisper. With the story at hand, the film could have had a shorter runtime. While the first half is spent in setting the tone of the film, second half gets a tad more exciting when the drama and action unfold. The film does make you nostalgic about Mansoor Khan's 1992 hit Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar, of course, this one is a modern-day snazzier version. Overall, SOTY 2 doesn't have that Ishq wala love, but there is ample dosti, high school drama and cool stuff to keep you going.

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Maybe it needs an update. "If you know your Twitter hashtags, librarianship may well become your life work! " uniQ May 4, 2011 Biased review For family and personal reasons, I have an attachment to libraries and librarianship. Admittedly things HAVE changed significantly in LIS, but much of the basics are still true. Note especially the narrators remark that because of good cataloging, the boy who didn't remember the title of the blue book was "encouraged to further use" the library. That's especially true: A good proof of utility to a patron is gold. Finally, the "actors" speech is blatantly dubbed in and terribly so. I'm taking one off my rating just for that alone. libtalian May 24, 2007 Some things don't change Despite being made in the 40's, this film still holds up pretty well. It's nice to know that patrons have not changed in all these years "I'm looking for a blue book". It also does a good job of introducing the various fields of librarianship as well as the different types of libraries in the profession.

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