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Saturday, 20 February 2021

The following year, Bruel traveled to New York City, where he met Gérard Presgurvic. The pair would soon form a creative partnership, with Presgurvic serving as Bruel's chief songwriter. Upon his return to Paris, Bruel issued his first single, "Vide" ("Empty, " 1982), but its follow-up "Marre de cette nana-là" ("Enough of That Chick, " 1983) became his first substantial hit. A second hit, "Comment Ça Va Pour Vous" ("How's It Going For You"), followed in 1985, as well as appearances in a string of features, including "Le Batard" (1982) and "Le Grand Carnaval" (1983). However, Bruel's first LP, De Face (1986), was only a modest success, and it would be three years before he would issue another studio album. His sophomore effort, Alors Regarde (1989), was a major success, buoyed by the hit single "Casser la Voix" ("To Break the Voice"), and a subsequent tour through France and abroad in 1990 established Bruel as a bona fide pop sensation, with the media dubbing the hysterical reaction of teenaged female fans "Bruelmania. "

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Historia [ editar | editar código] Los cinco hermanos que componen a Blanco, nacieron en una familia que fueron dotados en el arte del esgrima [2]. Sin embargo, no importa cuánto entrenaron, no podían llegar a ser tan maravillosamente poderoso espadachín como lo era su padre [3]. Después de esto los cinco hermanos llegaron a la misma conclusión, Hoaquin sugirió la fusión de sus poderes para poder superar su padre mediante el uso de una técnica prohibida, dada por un antiguo demonio, "hechizo come almas" (un hechizo que permite a muchos a convertirse en uno por el consumo de las almas de los demás). Después de estudiar el hechizo, lograron crear un solo ser, posteriormente conocido como "Blanco". Mientras que él era un asesino, Blanco se convirtió en rey de dos naciones en un piso de la torre exterior. El volvió a las dos naciones uno contra otra, para que iniciaran una guerra y la lucha reinara sin fin a largo de las dos naciones [4]. Gracias a esto mil millones de personas murieron, y todos fueron consumidos y absorbidos por Blanco.

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Eventually we get to the road where our car was parked along the side and that's where I see a girl, maybe in her early twenties, looked Native American, or a mix of Asian-Latino, just walking along the highway. She was wearing very little clothing and looked a little strange. Her walk wasn't a drunk one, she just seemed to be almost... I don't know the right word for it, but vibrating? Undulating? Not sure. But there wasn't a building around for miles - just straight road. My stepdad is Malaysian and he's told me a bunch of ghost stories about young ghost women on the side of the road killing drivers, but I was willing to risk it because I didn't want to leave the girl all alone, ghost or no ghost, so I convince Paul to slow down a bit when we got to her, and I called out to her from the passenger window asking if she needed help. The girl slowly turns around with the CREEPIEST SLOWEST SMILE spreading across her lips and nodded. I was hit with that same feeling I got back there in the forest and almost regretted slowing down, but whatever, fuck it, my sense of wanting to help that girl was greater than whatever weird shit I was feeling, and if I died then at least I'd have a clean conscience.

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